Monday, May 25, 2009

Meeting 5/22/09

Hello Koug er's

The meeting went great and to prove it, I have included some media.

The audio clip below was made at the meeting,
entitled "What can you do for KOUG'?

radiomeeting5-22.mp4 - koug radio

If that interests you...
watch the whole meeting (with real player for video & vlc for audio only) HERE

If you can't listen, below are the minutes of the meeting, thanks to Jacob Casey, a new member of our team.

Your browser may not support display of this image.Meeting Minutes:

1:00 May 22nd

Icebreaker: Guerilla Radio Journalist. Every person is giving Cara an interview-like introduction to why they want to participate in the radio station.

Cara is wearing a press kit fastened with a piece of duct tape. Wordspeaker

Zane, the former Koug Radio station manager, put in his two cents as well.

Cara has signed off. Applause.

Two more Tascam like recorders are available for people to do their own journalism. “These are good for podcasting as well as recording your own show.”

Station Manual, Station Plan, and Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Promoting on campus events, educate inform. Local arts and entertainment. Showing a united and diverse community. Showing that we support arts and entertainment. Showing an independent stance from Pullman.

Outreach and exchange, grassroots effort., to entertain the campus in the best way possible. Entertain the faculty and students. Expound upon the news.

Vancouver arts community,

Brainstorming Center

Bringing to the air what is going on around the world / campus. Providing a learning environment for DJs.

Providing a space for the voices that aren’t being heard.

Local talent pool that could be discovered through the radio station. Different interests could be “exploited” on the radio.

We are all talent scouts.

Encourage student involvement at WSU V. Promote WSU V as a great choice for degree seeking students.

Alternative lifestyles shown in a professional environment. Freaks!! We’re professional students goddamn it! We want an eclectic edge. We want something outside a corporate environment.

We also don’t want to have a war between the “school” and “alternative” side. These things are working in tandem.

Documentation of events. Taking audio from events and putting it on the air. Also, making our services available to events on campus. People should come to seek us out to promote their own events.

Recruit people to plan record and edit events. Possibly make some money available to people who want to undertake the grunt work of putting these recordings on the air.

Setting up our own podcast for Kougradio.

Using the conference room as a place to do panel discussions.

Involvement issue, becoming DJs forever.

Take a look at the incoming freshman and see what the major break down looks like and see if we could talk to the head of certain departments about opportunities in the radio station.

Cara will go to the video production program at Hudsons Bay HS.


Chat room, RSS feed of blogs, basic re-design, more media and less text, playlists (DJ editable), song titles. BECOME A FRIEND ON FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, TWITTER. Nate can update stuff constantly. DJs need to promote this stuff on the air (possibly have reminders for DJs).

Have a link to the Public forums that happen on campus.

There is a person that can train people to do interviews and other journalism related activities. There is money out there that can pay per news piece.

Cara has records to peruse.


Does everyone have a job? We will continue to work on making Koug Radio a sustainable activity.

Transmitter. Apparently it blows a fuse every time it comes on. Sen. Cantwell is working on making this technology more available to small users. We need more funding and work to get it started. We need to prove our worth before we can begin asking for a lower power FM. Speak to the chancellor.

Having a marketing and financial plan in six weeks.


Podcasting workshops.

How to have the perfect radio voice workshop.

Community Calendaring Workshop.

Maybe a workshop how to become more professional on the air. How to cross fade. How to make a better mix.

Cara has a stage available during First Friday in Vancouver.

Another meeting in two weeks?

Who has keys and where do we go? We need a key to the bathroom. Wireless internet?

Print out an agenda next time.

Have an events committee. Let us know when the documentation is coming together and collaborate about what should be happening as we’re moving forward.

Agree to meet in two weeks. June 5th, 2009 at the same time.